Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm bushed!

I have spent most of the  day in the Lilac Thicket's kitchen and I am bushed!  No I am not claiming kinship to the Presidential Bushes, I am tired.  You did hear about Bill Clinton?  He is the only President to be found between the Bushes!  Oh that is so funny...I think he was wearing heart print boxers with glow in the dark writing which said "I did not have sex with THAT woman!"  Anyway, I made Snicker cookies and they are wonderful.  I arranged them on the cake plate that I received as a wedding present from my Mama.  She brought over some generic Claritin for the ailing Professor today.  She gave me a new ornament to festoon my plate, an autumn leaf.  I love it...isn't it cute?
I made my stuffed spud soup and it was good although I didn't have any green onions to put in it. 
And I made a pumpkin nut bread and it is delicious too.  Of course all the recipes are on my blog  http://lilacthicketcooks.blogspot.com/ .  I only post the best that I make!  So all 3 recipes can be found there along with original photos that I took with my the Professor's camera which I have claimed as my own, I mean borrowed.
I had to work last night and therefore wasn't able to see in person cuteness personified.  My darling niece was dressed as the most adorable fairy ever to be seen in all of the magical world of fairies.  Thankfully Princess Wiggle Wiggle was photographed by my talented and beautiful sister Princess Jujubead. 
It is really nice to see that my niece is taking serious the importance of cute hair and cute hair accessories.  Look at her darling wand and the PINK pumpkin!  She is a definite girlish girl in the making.

I am going to go lay down for a tad bit, but I wanted to broadcast my baking and cooking delights AND delight all of my beloved readers with my darling niece!  God Bless Us Everyone.

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