Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Pantry, A Mouse and 2 Poos

It is gray and rainy today. I turned on my lamps to chase away some of the gloom. I had a restless night sleep. I hate to admit it but I have a house mouse that I have been trying to get rid of. I have traps and poison down but so far no luck. It is really unsettling as I hear each noise thinking it is a mouse. I did read that mice hate the smell of peppermint and it will deter them from entering a home. I want to get some essential oil and place it on cotton balls and place it on the thresholds.

I had wanted to post a scan or photo of my progress on the Mirabilia Alphabet Fairy but I have got problems with my system and it isn't possible until I get this hard drive cleaned up. Ah-h the frustrations of 21st century technology.

I need to go to the grocery store. I want to peruse the ads before I do. I want to build a pantry in my hall closet which just houses vcr movies now. A nice metal rack in there and I could have a good place to store items. My guest bedroom has my excess paper products in it. I have toyed with the idea of purchasing items in bulk from Survival Acres ( I was thinking flour, sugar, cream of wheat (which I love). I was amazed at how many recipes I could find for cream of wheat! My thought is to build a pantry which I could eat from from 6 months to 1 year.

The pics of are my darling girls. Rose is the orange and white Britney. She is 9 years old and in the pic she is persuing her favorite activity. April is the black, tan and white Chow/Australian Shepherd mix. She is almost 5 years old and she is Mommy's shadow. They were both my ex husband's dogs but he abandoned them when he did the same to me. I tell you I didn't want dogs but they are really the light of my life. When my days were horrible and dark they were always there to make me get up and let them out, feed them and they wanted nothing more than that then love. I have an abundance of that and it is easy to give them.

Mom called and she is going to Wal-Mart and wanted to know if I would join her. I hate that place and declined but I did offer her a date for lunch and we are going to go get a burger when she is done.
Oh my is there a cute free design on . It is 65w by 67h. A witch carrying a jack o'lantern in one hand and a sparking wand in the other. I love her shoes. It is very cute and one for my freebie notebook.
After burgers with Mom I am going to come home and stitch on the fairy. I also want to paw thru my DMC floss for the colors I failed to get at Hobby Lobby for the Barbara Ana design I want to start.
May your day be Stitchy and bright!!!

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