Friday, April 15, 2011

Domestic Bliss

Yes there has been no stitching at the Lilac Thicket...none!  We have a new resident in our secluded corner of suburbanopia.  He is the washer of cars, the mopper of floors, the buster of dust, the destroyer of all that is sewage, the master of the lawn mower and the king of my tranquil domestic bliss!  He is a keeper, a wonderful pious man of God and he has brought order to the chaos that is my Lilac Thicket. 

His sister told me he is the Domestic King, he loves to make all he purveys homey and comfy.  I had already figured that one out.  My mother was concerned that I might not adapt well to the presence of anyone in my home as I have been alone most of my adult years but I have acclimated myself well and wouldn't want to go back to the solitude.  God did not want us to be by ourselves, he wanted us to rejoice in a relationship and work together for the common good of family, no matter how large or small.

I have a pot of black beans cooking on the crock pot, haven't done THAT in years and tomorrow I am going to bake myself some cookies.  Oh my gosh, I have had a conversion!  I am blissfully happy.  Got more housework to do but so much has been done.  We had a runny toilet, a clogged bathroom sink, a leaking kitchen sink AND a basement filled with water.  Well Roger the Plumber made several trips to our troubled plumbing nightmare and we are all good now.  The huge trees in our front yard seem to be causing issues every couple of years with our sewer line, it is a great adventure to see poop floating about in one's basement, not to mention the lovely oh-door that permeates the thinks Glade needs to think about a room freshener called eau de pooh! 

Tomorrow I am going to make these cookies.  They are SO good and my dear friend Hip Hop Dot shared her Peanut Butter Cookies recipe.  Here it is:

Hip Hop Dot's Peanut Butter Cookies
Bake @ 375° for 8-10 minutes
3 cups flour
½ cup butter
½ cup lard
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 cup peanut butter
1 tsp soda
1 tsp vanilla
½ tsp salt

Cream fat, add sugars & mix.  Add peanut butter, beaten eggs, vanilla and mix.  Sift together flour, salt, soda & mix with creamed mixture.  Shape into balls and place on greased cookie sheet.  Press with fork to make criss cross design with sugar.

I also want to make some chocolate chip cookies.  My brother came over to help my Knight Sir Kleenzalot with the lawn mower and I wanted to make some cookies to thank brother for his help.

So my fine and beautiful readers of the Lilac Thicket may all your pursuits be successful and joyous!

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